Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
am Fachgebiet für Technische Thermodynamik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
am Fachgebiet für Technische Thermodynamik
Symposium on energy-efficient district development
19 February 2019, Technische Universität Darmstadt
The team of the project EnEff:Stadt Campus Lichtwiese will organize a symposium on energy-efficient district development to be held 19 February 2019.
Peter Stephan receives VDI honorary medal
VDI-GVC honours outstanding work in the field of heat and mass transfer, commitment to VDI Heat Atlas
The working group process and chemical engineering of the Association of German Engineers (VDI-GVC) has awarded professor Peter Stephan a VDI honorary medal. During the annual meeting of ProcessNet 2018 in Aachen professor Stephan was acknowledged for his internationally renowned work and achievements in the field of heat and mass transfer, and for his commitment to the further development of the VDI Heat Atlas, a standard in the field of heat transfer.
Alternative access to Elsevier journals
Institutional access to articles published after 31 Dec 2017 no longer possilbe
The institutional access for members of the TU Darmstadt to articles in Elsevier journals published after 31 December 2017 is no longer possible. The ULB has established an „Elsevier Service Group“ which will procure scientific papers from Elsevier formerly available in full text on alternative ways (interlibrary loan, commercial document delivery services, open access publications).
Three TFI young researchers awarded poster awards
ProcessNet annual meeting in Bremen, March 6-9, 2018
Three TFI young researchers have been awarded poster awards at the annual meeting of the ProcessNet subject divisions from March 6-9, 2018 in Bremen.
First hand research experience
You are a student of mechanical engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry or materials science? You have been studying for a few semesters and now need some practical experience? Then the Collaborative Research Centre 1194 is just the thing for you. In addition, the CRC 1194 offers a specially adapted mentoring program for female students.
Rechnerabwärme als wertvolle Ressource
TTD-Projekt mit Deutschem Rechenzentrumspreis 2017 ausgezeichnet
Das Projekt “Rechenzentren als Wärmeerzeuger: Nutzungspotentiale für Rechnerabwärme” von Johannes Oltmanns (Institut für Technische Thermodynamik) ist mit dem Deutschen Rechenzentrumspreis 2017 ausgezeichnet worden. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Abwärme des Hochleistungsrechners der TU Darmstadt zukünftig möglichst energieeffizient für das TU-eigene Fernwärmenetz zu nutzen.
„Electrokinetic Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications in Microfluidics“
Talk by Prof. Dominik Barz (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
Many Lab-on-a-Chip operations can be realized with electrokinetic phenomena. Electrokinetic phenomena are related to the existence of electrical surface charges of substrates when in contact with liquids. On January 27, 2017, Prof. Dominik Barz will give an overview of some fundamental and practical aspects.
Liquids meet surfaces
New Collaborative Resarch Centre on transport and wetting processes
In many technologies the dynamic wetting or de-wetting of surfaces by liquids plays a prominent role. A new Collaborative Research Center at TU Darmstadt will strongly focus on this research topic. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with 11 Million Euros for the next four years and will start on July 1, 2016. SFB 1194 Website