Research assistant
Thermodynamic modelling of the energy and material conversion processes of the overall system Clean Circles
In Clean Circles, TU Darmstadt (lead), the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, KIT Karlsruhe, the DLR Institute for Low CO2 Industrial Processes and JG University Mainz cooperate in a strongly transdisciplinary cluster project. The team consists of 23 scientists in the fields of chemistry, mathematics, mechanical engineering, political science, and economics.
Analytical formulation of the Marangoni effect on the evaporating nanofluid film
Student assistant wanted
We are looking for a student assistant to help us implement the Marangoni flow in nanofluid evaporation in the film geometry. The task includes adapting the existing model for the nanofluid, implementing the derived formula and carrying out a parametric study.
Deposit patterns caused by evaporation from the droplets of a nanosuspension
Student assistant wanted
We are looking for a student assistant to help us analyse deposition patterns of nanosuspension droplets. This involves observing the evaporation configuration of the droplets over time and examining the final deposition by deposition using confocal microscopy.
Investigation of the dynamics of droplets on vibrating superhydrophobic surfaces
Student assistant wanted
Drop oscillation on superhydrophobic surfaces has the potential to enable controlled drop movement in microfluidic lab-on-a-chip systems. Although extensive research has already been carried out, there are still gaps to be filled. We are looking for a student assistant to conduct a comprehensive literature review and then apply the previously derived equations to approximate the system.
Picture: TTD/TU DarmstadtPicture: TTD/TU Darmstadt
WATT Study Prize for master's thesis
Influence of decentralised feed-in on the operation of district heating networks investigated
Lauritz Zendel received the WATT-Studienpreis on 27 September 2024 for his master's thesis on the influence of decentralised feed-in on the operation of district heating networks.
Evaporation-induced deposition patterns from the droplets of a nanosuspension
Job as student assistant
We are looking for a student assistant to help us analyse the deposition patterns of nanosuspension droplets. This includes observing the evaporation configuration of the droplets over time and analysing the final deposition by deposition using confocal microscopy.
Analytical formulation of the Marangoni effect on the evaporating nanofluid film
Job as student assistant
We are looking for student support in the analytical modelling of Marangoni flow in evaporating nanofluid films.
Engineer your Future Day 2024 mit dem TTD
Am 26. Juni präsentierten Promovierende und Prof. Stephan das Vorlesungsangebot am TTD sowie Einblicke aus der aktuellen Forschung auf dem Engineer your Future Day 2024 des Fachbereichs Maschinenbau an der TU Darmstadt.
TTD auf EUROTHERM Konferenz vertreten
Vom 10.-13. Juni nahmen 3 TTD-ler*innen an der 9. EUROTHERM in Bled, Slowenien, teil.
Picture: Frank DammelPicture: Frank Dammel
The measured storage giant
High-resolution temperature measurement and modelling of a 4300 cubic metre water-based thermal energy storage
The transition to more sustainable district heating networks requires the use of thermal energy storage systems such as water heat storage tanks. Here, the ratio of tank height to diameter is an important parameter for efficient operation. We have developed a 2D high-resolution model and validated it with measurement data from an operational 4300 m3 buffer storage tank at the waste incineration plant in Darmstadt and derived additional models. The results have now been published in the Journal of Energy Science.