Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan
work +49 6151 16-22260
fax +49 6151 16-22262
L2|06 200
Peter-Grünberg-Str. 10
University Education | |
1983–1988 | Study of Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), Technische Universität München |
1989–1992 | Dissertation (Dr.-Ing.), Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy, in collaboration with Dept. Energy Technology, Universität Stuttgart |
Professional Experience | |
1989–1992 | Research Assistant and Marie-Curie-Fellow, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy |
1992–1997 | Development Engineer, Project Manager (1994) and Team Leader (1996) at Daimler-Benz |
since 1997 | Full Professor (C4/W3), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Director of the Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, TU Darmstadt |
2007–2014 | Speaker Cluster of Excellence 259: Smart Interfaces – Understanding and Designing Fluid Boundaries |
2010–2015 | Speaker Research Cluster “Thermofluidics and Combustion Engineering” |
2015–2020 | Speaker Profile Area Thermo-Fluids & Interfaces |
since 2016 | Speaker Collaborative Research Centre 1194 Interaction between Transport and Wetting Processes |
2021 | Speaker Research Field Energy and Environment |
2021-2022 | Vice President for Research & Early Careers at TU Darmstadt |
Activities in Professional Organizations (selection) | |
since 1998 | VDI-GVC working group Heat and Mass Transfer (2006-2018 chairman) |
since 2002 | Int. Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (Scientific Committee, 2006-2018 Exectuive Committee, since 2019 Vice President) |
since 2007 | Editor-in-Chief VDI Heat Atlas (Springer) |
since 2004 | Editorial Board Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer |
since 2005 | Editorial Board Journal of Exp. Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis |
since 2009 | Editorial Board Journal of Exp. Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier |
since 2010 | Editorial Board Journal of heat Pipe Science and Technology, Begell |
Download full CV (opens in new tab) |
Thermodynamics is an important basic science for many areas of mechanical engineering. It describes the transport and conversion of different forms of energy and the associated material properties.
In terms of teaching , we convey these basics against the background of technical applications in the fields of energy and power plant engineering, environmental technology, process engineering, heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration technology, aerospace engineering, combustion technology and production engineering. In addition, we teach the basics of heat and mass transfer and offer further in-depth courses in this area.
In research , we focus on basic and applied investigations on energy conversion and heat and mass transfer processes. For the scientific analysis theoretical models, numerical simulation, and experimental methods are developed and applied. The research topics and projects are assigned to three working groups:
(1) Interfacial Transport and Complex Wetting,
(2) Boiling and Evaporation,
(3) Thermal System Analysis.

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