Symposium on energy-efficient district development
19 February 2019, Technische Universität Darmstadt
The team of the project EnEff:Stadt Campus Lichtwiese will organize a symposium on energy-efficient district development to be held 19 February 2019.
The TU Darmstadt pursues ambitious goals to increase significantly the energy-efficiency on its campuses. This affects not only the refurbishment of existing buildings but also the thermal and electrical energy supplying system and the IT-connection of all those subsystems.
Within the research project EnEff:Stadt Campus Lichtwiese, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy from January 2016 to December 2018, the University aims at setting the right course to successfully transform TU Darmstadt’s energy system by building up a smart network of all energy-supplying-parts and by considering long-term structural and social changes on its Campuses. The realization of the German „Energiewende“ (energy transformation) requires the use of innovative technologies, in particular in the fields of energy supply, load management and decentral storage systems.
Description of the project
An interdisciplinary research team composed of architects, electrical and mechanical engineers as well as computer scientists is devoted to the fundamental short- and long-term questions how to develop simultaneously and integrative a holistic and sustainable concept for an energy-efficient Campus. The project serves as an object of study, as an impulse and multiplier for counterfeits and further development.
(opens in new tab) Further information (in German)