Three TFI young researchers awarded poster awards
ProcessNet annual meeting in Bremen, March 6-9, 2018
Three TFI young researchers have been awarded poster awards at the annual meeting of the ProcessNet subject divisions from March 6-9, 2018 in Bremen.
Michael Heinz () received the Best Poster Award 2018 of the Heat and Mass Transfer division for a contribution entitled “Flow and evaporation of pure liquids and mixtures during drop impact on porous coatings”. Matthias Nietammer ( Technical Thermodynamics) received a poster award of the Multiphase Flows division for a contribution “A volume of fluid method for rheologically complex two phase systems”. Achim Bender ( Mathematical Modelling and Analysis) was given a poster award of the Computational Fluid Dynamics division for “numerical study of deposit-formation from evaporating urea-water droplets”. Technical Thermodynamics
ProcessNet is a German platform for process engineering, chemical engineering and technical chemistry. ProcessNet unites more than 5 000 members from science, industry and administration to share their experience, to discuss recent problems and to identify new scientific trends.